09:00 AM – 09:50 AM
The Practice Success Blueprint Every GP Owner Needs to See
Todd walks through how to achieve business success in General Practice with a focus on business model upgrades to excel in 2021 and beyond. He will bring real life examples of those who have dared to shift up their business model and the outcomes achieved. COVID has brought a new reality and as owners our responsibility is to meet this reality so we can continue to serve and lead our communities.
Dr Todd Cameron – Scale My Clinic
10:00 AM – 10:50 AM
Driving growth in your GP practice – CommBank research & panel
Understanding how to grow your practice amongst the challenges presented by coronavirus is on the top of many GP’s minds. Hear from CommBank on the findings from their latest research, which explores the opportunities practices have to drive growth amid recovery.
Belinda Hegarty (Head of Healthcare, CommBank), Jonathan Foyer (National Director Medical Services, CommBank), Belinda Allen (Senior Economist, CommBank) and Kevin Wisdom-Hill (CEO Summit Health).
11:00 AM – 11:50 AM
Marketing Approaches for Ideal Patient Attraction
Join Lachlan to learn how to market and attract your ideal patients and enhance workplace satisfaction. Lachlan also shows how to make the most out of your marketing dollar and how to measure your returns.
Lachlan McPherson, Director – Healthsite
12:00 PM – 12:30 PM
12:30 PM – 01:20 PM
Optimal Clinic Design and Layouts
Clinic design and layouts have forever changed. Telehealth is here and so too is a new level of COVID safe guidelines.
Jerry focuses on how to set up a COVID safe layout with consideration for patient, staff and Doctor safety.
He lays out the steps to create a COVID safe layout with consideration to telehealth systems and pandemic practices.
Consideration is also given to the management and incorporation of the technology required for continued telehealth success.
Jerry Kennard, CEO – Evoke Projects
01:30 PM – 02:20 PM
Financial Structures for a Growing GP Business
Paul brings with him a wealth of experience of financial structure success! He discusses why the financial structure of your business may not be suitable for you as you grow and the importance of business structure reviews. As your clinic grows, so should your financial models to reduce risk and maximise benefit.
He includes what to look for when reviewing your financial structures with consideration to trust set ups, tax, SRO Audits and more.
Paul Copeland, Accountant and Director – William Buck
02:30 PM – 03:20 PM
Leadership and Life Balance. It can be Achieved
How to create balance and choice in business. How to run a successful, growing business, enjoy time out and be with your family. Dr Anna Pham and Dr Emily Swinhoe will talk with Todd and Sachin about the business models and structures they used to frame their clinic growth and create greater time-freedom.
Todd and Sachin Drs Anna Pham and Dr Emily Swinhoe being interviewed – Scale My Clinic
03:30 PM – 04:30 PM
Networking Event In this virtual environment, you may feel that connection might be missing! Not in this conference, during the networking event you will be able to join the speakers in breakout rooms, connect and ask questions of. You will also be able to mingle with other guests, enjoy the company of each other and celebrate making it through 2020!
09:00 AM – 09:50 AM
Leadership in Tough Times
Hon. Julia Gillard, Past Prime Minister of Australia and current Beyond Blue Chair shares insights in high level leadership during unpredictable times.
Hon. Julia Gillard
10:00 AM – 10:50 AM
Dashboards for COVID
Discussing COVID Vaccination and your database.Chris will discuss how to use his COVID dashboard to identify patients ready for vaccinations and other relevant cohorts.
Chris will walk through how the dashboard saves time, increases efficiency and how it can be used with ease for your team
Chris Smeed, CEO – Cubiko
11:00 AM – 11:50 AM
Phone Systems for Productivity and Effectiveness
Richard brings knowledge on fast phone system set up for even the most abrupt reason (like a pandemic!). He will also cover phone set ups in the work from home environment as they inevitably become more permanent in business. Team performance isn’t left behind and Richard covers off on how to measure team performance during remote work.
Richard Boothby, Director – Switch Telecom
12:00 PM – 12:30 PM
12:30 PM – 01:20 PM
Identifying Areas of Financial Return in Practice Ownership
Dr. Sachin Patel identifies the key ways your business is missing out on financial return and hurting your profits.
Included is how to identify additional income in your practice (and 6 simple ways this has been done), plus the impact of Johari Window within Sachin’s own experience.
Dr. Sachin Patel – Scale My Clinic
01:30 PM – 02:20 PM
Automating Vaccination at Scale
The Automed team have been working to help you create a practice that is ready for mass vaccination with consideration to both COVID and flu clinics.
They cover:
- How to set up your practice for mass vaccination
- Stock and workflow efficiency
- Boost revenue, show ups and communication to your patients
- Stock management, waste reduction and DNA’s
- Follow up support, appointment settings and types
Louis Putter, CTO Peter Demaio, Founder – AutoMed Systems
02:30 PM – 03:45 PM
What’s in Store for 2021 – A Panel Discussion
The panel discuss 2021 at a glance.
How will telehealth change? What is the future of GP and the predictions of what 2021 has in store.
Dr Karen Price (RACGP), Dr Anna Pham, Dr Emily Swinhoe, Chris Smeed, Paul Copeland, Belinda Hegarty – Expert Panel GP 2021 the opportunities and the pitfalls
03:45 PM – 04:00 PM
Wrap up and close out the event
Dr. Sachin Patel – Scale My Clinic